Hello! So glad you found your way here. I'm guessing that you might be navigating
this website
because you're curious about how you can access greater health and more flow with less confusion
obstacles. That same curiosity led me to the place where I am now, writing this message for you.
From the age of 13, I started a journey to "optimize" myself. Entering the endless endeavor of trying to get stronger, more muscular, and "better", it wasn't long before my body was overused and out of harmony. My mind was working overtime as I chased an illusion of success and being "more" than I was. Through the highs and lows of what some might consider body dysmorphia, binge eating, and obsessive exercise, I found myself with overwhelming anxiety and an injured, dysfunctional body from all the overuse and unrest. In my attachment to becoming "more", I simply got in the way of my own natural flow, getting lost in my ego and form.
Once I reached my third significant injury, that quite literally forced me to stop exercising, I had to take a step back and learn how to rebuild myself from the ground up. In the process of physical therapy, I soon learned that it was not just my body that was being overused and getting inflamed, but also my mind. My thoughts were relentlessly fixated on the future and anticipating that which had not yet occurred. I was being driven by the fear of not being enough, which ultimately led to the break down that commonly follows "too much". In the midst of rehabilitating severe tendonitis and unstable posture, I discovered there was something else "wrong" with my body. It appeared that I was trembling with any controlled movement, from my face to my feet, and believed that was something deeply wrong. After blood tests and a neurological exam, the doctors confirmed there was actually nothing wrong with me. All the neurologist could share was, "It's probably in your head."
From the age of 13, I started a journey to "optimize" myself. Entering the endless endeavor of trying to get stronger, more muscular, and "better", it wasn't long before my body was overused and out of harmony. My mind was working overtime as I chased an illusion of success and being "more" than I was. Through the highs and lows of what some might consider body dysmorphia, binge eating, and obsessive exercise, I found myself with overwhelming anxiety and an injured, dysfunctional body from all the overuse and unrest. In my attachment to becoming "more", I simply got in the way of my own natural flow, getting lost in my ego and form.
Once I reached my third significant injury, that quite literally forced me to stop exercising, I had to take a step back and learn how to rebuild myself from the ground up. In the process of physical therapy, I soon learned that it was not just my body that was being overused and getting inflamed, but also my mind. My thoughts were relentlessly fixated on the future and anticipating that which had not yet occurred. I was being driven by the fear of not being enough, which ultimately led to the break down that commonly follows "too much". In the midst of rehabilitating severe tendonitis and unstable posture, I discovered there was something else "wrong" with my body. It appeared that I was trembling with any controlled movement, from my face to my feet, and believed that was something deeply wrong. After blood tests and a neurological exam, the doctors confirmed there was actually nothing wrong with me. All the neurologist could share was, "It's probably in your head."